- 1. entrust tasks to the private sector wherever possible
2. put in the hands of the private sector whatever could be done by the private sector
3. use private-sector resources wherever possible
民間にできることは民間に委ねる: use private-sector resources wherever possible
民間にできることは民間に委ねるべきだ。: Whatever the private sector can do should be left to the private sector.
民間にできることは民間に任せる: 1. encourage the private sector to do all it can 2. leave to the private sector what it can do 民間にできることは民間に任せる。 What can be done by the private sector should be left in its hands.
民間にできることは民間に任せる。: What can be done by the private sector should be left in its hands. 民間にできることは民間に任せる 1. encourage the private sector to do all it can 2. leave to the private sector what it can do
地方にできることは地方に委ねる: leave to local governments what can be done by local governments
民間にできること: all that can be done by the private sector
民間企業に委ねる: be entrusted to the private sector
民間に委託する: consign ~ to the private sector〔~を〕
自分でできること: thing that someone can do for himself〔人が〕
主に委ねる: commend someone to the Lord〔死んだ人を〕
手に委ねる: 1. put ~ in someone's hand 2. put ~ in the hands of〔~を〕〔人の〕
民間に: among the people
aをbに委ねる: entrust A to B
人生を~に委ねる: trust one's life to
信託に委ねる: place in trust