- slump in private housing demand
需要の落ち込み 1: 1. fall in demand 2. plunge in demand 需要の落ち込み 2 slump in demand for〔~への〕
日本人の需要の落ち込み: slump in Japanese consumption
住宅需要の減少: falloff in housing demand
不況を受けた米国市場の需要の落ち込み: decline in demand in the U.S. market as a result of recession
住宅需要: 1. housing demand 2. housing needs
民間住宅課: 【組織】 Private Housing Division
予約の落ち込み: drop in booking
人口の落ち込み: population plunge
商売の落ち込み: drop-off in business
感情の落ち込み: emotional depression
最大の落ち込み: the lowest decline
水準値の落ち込み: fall in the levels
消費の落ち込み: reduced consumer spending
生産の落ち込み 1: production decline 生産の落ち込み 2 plunge in the production of〔~の〕
税収の落ち込み: 1. decrease in tax revenues 2. plunge in tax revenues 3. tax revenue drop