決選投票で(人)に僅差で勝つ: edge someone in the runoff
決選投票で 1: 1. in a final round of voting 2. in the runoff voting 決選投票で 2 in the runoff for〔~の〕
選挙に勝つ: 1. win an election 2. win elections
対する決選投票での勝利: victory over someone in a runoff〔人に〕
決選投票で対決する: square off against each other in the runoff
決選投票で(人)に辛勝する: edge someone in the runoff
国政選挙に勝つ: win a national election
決選投票: 決選投票 けっせんとうひょう final (decisive) vote run-off ballot
決選投票 1: 1. casting vote [voice]〔賛否同数の場合に議長が投じる一票〕 2. decisive ballot 3. decisive vote 4. final ballot 5. final vote 6. runoff 7. runoff election 8. runoff primary 9. runoff vote 10. runoff voting 11. second
決選投票で(人)に勝てたのはなぜかを忘れるなと(人)に言う: tell someone to remember why he squeezed by someone in the runoff
決選投票で(人)に勝てたのはなぜかを忘れるなと(人)に諭す: tell someone to remember why he squeezed by someone in the runoff
大統領選の決選投票で対戦する: face each other in a presidential runoff
決選投票で形勢の逆転を図る: turn the tables in a final vote
激しく競り合う決選投票で: in a blistering runoff
同点決選投票: tie-breaking vote