- 法令を敷く
to promulgate a law
戒厳令を敷く: 1. introduce martial law 2. invoke martial law 3. place under martial law 4. proclaim martial law 5. put under martial law
かん口令を敷く 1: 【他動】 silence かん口令を敷く 2 order someone to keep silent (on)〔~に関して〕〔人に〕 かん口令を敷く 3 order someone not to mention〔人に〕
夜間外出禁止令を敷く: impose a curfew in〔~に〕
ござを敷く: spread a mat
わらを敷く: 1. cover with straw 2. spread straw
体制を敷く: have a framework in place in order for〔~の〕
圧政を敷く: rule ~ with an iron hand [fist]〔~に〕
専制を敷く: 【自動】 despotize
市制を敷く: 1. give the status of a city 2. organize as a municipality 3. reorganize as a city
布団を敷く: 布団を敷く ふとんをしく to make a bed
布石を敷く: 1. get camel's nose into the tent 2. put one foot in the door
床を敷く: 1. lay out the bedding 2. make a bed 3. prepare a bed
床板を敷く: lay down the floorboards
憲政を敷く: 1. adopt a constitutional form of government 2. establish a constitutional government
戦線を敷く: form battle lines