刑執行の延期: reprieve〔特に死刑囚の〕 裁判所はラヘイの死刑執行延期を命令した: The court issued a stay for LaHaye who was scheduled to die. 知事は土壇場になって彼の死刑執行を中止した: The governor allowed him a stay of execution at the 11th [eleventh] hour. 公衆の面前での死刑執行: public execution 死刑執行: 死刑執行 しけいしっこう execution 死刑執行人: 1. deathsman 2. headsman 3. kill maker 4. slaughterman 死刑執行室: 1. dance hall 2. execution room 死刑執行令状: death warrant 死刑執行施設: execution facility 死刑執行猶予: respite《法律》 法的死刑執行: legal execution 死刑執行の権利を保有している: retain the right to execute 刑執行の猶予: reprieve〔特に死刑囚の〕 死刑執行用装置: execution device 口は体の死刑執行人にもなれば、医者にもなれる。: The mouth is the executioner and the doctor of the body.〔食生活の善し悪しで、体の健康維持になったり早死にしたりする。〕