- use every device known to the legal profession
影響を与えるあらゆる種類の政策手段を用いる: use the full range of policy instruments having an impact on〔~に〕
彼はあらゆる手段を尽くして戦っていると思う: I find him fighting it tooth and nail [claw].
可能な限りのあらゆる手段を用いて: by all possible means
考えられるあらゆる手段を使って: by every conceivable means
ありとあらゆる手を知っている: know every trick in the book
あらゆる手段を用いて地位や富を得ようとする女: adventuress
法律の専門家: 1. legal expert 2. legal professional 3. legal whiz
あらゆる手段を使う: leave no stone unturned
あらゆる手段を尽くして: tooth and nail [claw]
あらゆる手段を尽くす: 1. employ every possible means 2. exhaust every means 3. exhaust one's resources 4. leave no avenue unexplored / explore every avenue〔 【直訳】 あらゆる通りを探検する〕 5. leave no stone unturned 6. take all possib
あらゆる手段を施す: 1. try all conceivable means 2. try all conceivable measures
あらゆる手段を構じる: 1. employ all available means 2. employ every available means
あらゆる手段を行使する: mobilize every possible means
あらゆる手段を講じる: 1. leave no avenue unexplored / explore every avenue〔 【直訳】 あらゆる通りを探検する〕 2. leave no stone unturned 3. try every means (available) / try every possible means
あらゆる手段を追求する: pursue every avenue