困難な問題を扱う: handle a knotty problem
問題を扱う: 問題を扱う もんだいをあつかう to deal with (handle) a matter
特殊で身近な問題を扱う: handle the special and immediate problems of〔~の〕
深刻な問題: 1. deep problem 2. grave problem 3. profound problem 4. serious bottleneck 5. serious business 6. serious problem 7. significant problem
深刻な問題をもたらす 1: 1. pose a grave problem 2. pose a significant problem 深刻な問題をもたらす 2 1. cause significant problems in 2. give ~ serious problems〔~に〕 深刻な問題をもたらす 3 get ~ into very serious trouble〔~にとても〕
深刻な問題を判断する: 1. test a profound issue 2. test profound issues
深刻な問題を抱えた人: person with a grave problem
深刻な問題を提起する: raise serious questions
顧客に深刻な問題を残す: leave the customer in serious trouble
問題を扱う 1: address an issue 問題を扱う 2 deal with the issues of〔~の〕
深刻な問題点: serious flaw
住民にとって重要な問題を扱う: address issues important to residents
あまりにも深刻な問題を起こす: pose too serious a problem
医学的に深刻な問題を抱えた人: person with a serious medical problem
政府内の深刻な問題を討議する: discuss the serious problem within the government