またいで立つ: 【他動】 bestride 溝をまたぐ: stride a ditch 太平洋をまたいで: on opposite sides of the Pacific 会期をまたいで審議の時間を確保する: secure discussion time that overlaps consecutive Diet sessions 気まずい思いで立つ: stand awkwardly 会期をまたいで法案審議の時間を確保する: secure discussion time that overlaps consecutive Diet sessions また会いたいです。: I'd like to see you again. アフリカ大陸で最も幅の広い部分をまたいで広がる: extend right across the widest part of Africa ひざで立つ: rise on one's knees 出で立つ: 出で立つ いでたつ to start to leave 後足で立つ: 1. rear up 2. stand on its hind legs 片足で立つ: 1. balance on one foot 2. stand on one foot 3. stand on one leg 足指で立つ: stand on the toes 2本足で立つ: stand on two legs かかとで立つ: stand on the heels