漁礁: 漁礁 ぎょしょう reef where fish live and breed
魚礁: 1. fish bank 2. fish reef 3. fish shelter 4. fishing reef
タラの魚礁: codbank
人工漁礁: 1. artificial fish reef 2. man-made gathering-place for fish
漁獲高: 漁獲高 ぎょかくだか catch of fish
漁網: 漁網 ぎょもう fishing net
漁獲開始年齢: age at first capture
漁網機: fish netting machine
漁獲量: 漁獲量 ぎょかくりょう haul (catch) (of fish)
漁船: 漁船 ぎょせん fishing boat
漁獲重量: catch in weight
漁船?漁具の汚れ: 漁船?漁具の汚れ staining of fishing boats and equipment