- force [shove, ram, push, cram, stuff, thrust] ~ down the throats of〔~を〕
無理やり押し付ける: force [cram, push, shove, stuff, thrust, ram] ~ down someone's throat〔~を〕〔人に〕
無理に押し付ける 1: 【他動】 intrude 無理に押し付ける 2 force [cram, push, shove, stuff, thrust, ram] ~ down someone's throat〔~を〕〔人に〕
…に押し付ける: 1. force ~ against 2. wish ~ off on〔~を〕 ~に押し付ける thrust upon〔責任などを〕
~に押し付ける: thrust upon〔責任などを〕 …に押し付ける 1. force ~ against 2. wish ~ off on〔~を〕
無理やり車に押し込む: force someone into a car〔人を〕
aをbに押し付ける: 1. force A on B 2. impose A on B
いすに押し付ける: push someone down on a chair〔人を〕
全部(人)に押し付ける: dump the whole thing on〔仕事などを〕
壁に押し付ける 1: hold someone against the wall 壁に押し付ける 2 1. jam someone against the wall 2. press someone against the wall 3. thrust someone against a wall〔人を〕
強引に…に押し付ける: force [shove, ram, push, cram, stuff, thrust] ~ down the throats of〔~を〕
意思を…に押し付ける: impose the will of ~ on〔~の〕
手に押し付ける: force ~ into someone's hands〔~を〕〔人の〕
決定を…に押し付ける: impose the will of ~ on〔~の〕
責任を…に押し付ける: sheet home blame for ~ to〔~の〕
顔を~に押し付ける: press one's face against