時限爆弾: 時限爆弾 じげんばくだん time bomb 爆発寸前の外交政策上の時限爆弾: foreign policy time bombs that are waiting to go off 時限爆弾を作る: build a time bomb カチカチ動く時限爆弾: ticking time bomb 人口統計学上の時限爆弾: demographic timebomb 時限爆弾を仕掛ける: 1. plant a time bomb 2. set a time bomb 時限爆弾を作動させる: actuate a time bomb 時限爆弾を持ち歩く: walk time bomb 便りを待つ: await word from〔~からの〕 信号を待つ: wait for a signal 出を待つ: wait for one's turn to appear on the stage〔役者が〕 出番を待つ: wait in the wings 列車を待つ: wait for a train 判断を待つ: await a ruling 判決を待つ: 1. await a ruling 2. await the decision of the courts