Her sorrow at her father's death lasted until she died.
彼は死ぬまで母親の死を嘆き悲しんでいた: He mourned the death of his mother until he died. この悲しみは死ぬまで私から去りはしないだろう。: The sadness will not leave me until I die. 彼女の父親の悲しみは慰めようもないほどだった: Her father's grief was inconsolable. 彼女の目に光る涙は真の悲しみを表していた: The tears in her eyes showed her true sadness. 息子に対する彼女の甘い行動が彼を駄目にした: Her indulgent actions towards her son spoiled him. 彼女は死ぬまでその家で独りで暮らした: She lived alone in the house until her death. 病気だったにもかかわらず、人生に対する彼女の態度は楽観的だった: Her attitude toward life was rosy, even though she was ill. ペットの死による悲しみ: pet loss grief 議論は真夜中まで続いた: The discussion lasted until midnight. 真の悲しみ: genuine grief 死ぬまで 1: 1. for the rest of one's life 2. in one's (entire) life 3. till one dies 4. to [until] the bitter [very] end 5. to death 6. to the death 7. to the grave 8. to the last breath [gasp] 9. to the last e死ぬまでの: for life サラは死ぬまで日本にいると言い張る: Sarah insists she will stay in Japan for life. 幼時に覚えたものは死ぬまで忘れない: What is learned in the cradle is carried to the grave [tomb].〔《諺》スズメ百まで踊り忘れず〕 彼は死ぬまで辛抱強く、愛情豊かでした。: He was patient and affectionate until he died.