1. price spiral 2. rise in the price of commodities
株価の値上がり: 1. climb in share prices 2. rise in stocks [stock prices] 物価の値上がりには全く閉口だ: The soaring prices are killing us. 円の値上がり: rise in the yen 株の値上がり: rise in stocks [stock prices] 株価の値上がりをとらえる: capture appreciation of stocks ドルの値上がり: appreciation of dollars 不動産の値上がり: boom in real estate 生活費の値上がり: increased cost of living 石油の値上がり: spike in oil prices 金価格の値上がり: rise in the price of gold 物価の上がり下がり: rise and fall of prices 土地の値上がり神話: myth of ever-rising property values 資材価格の値上がり: rise in the price of materials 株価のわずかな値上がり: slight rise in stocks [stock prices] 株価の急激な値上がり: sharp rise in stocks [stock prices]