雨音で目が覚める: be woken by the sound of rain 変な音で目が覚める: wake up to a weird sound 奇妙な音で目が覚める: wake up to a weird sound 雨の音で目が覚める: be woken by the sound of rain ドアをかきむしる音で目が覚める: wake up at the noise of scratching the door 朝、目覚し時計の鳴る音で目が覚める。: In the morning, I'm awakened by the ring of my alarm clock. 火災報知機の音で目が覚める: be awakened by a smoke alarm 飛行機の爆音で目が覚める: be awakened by the roar of planes 痛みで目が覚める: awake in pain という夢で目が覚める: wake up dreaming that〔that以下〕 目が覚める 1: 1. awake from (an) illusion 2. be awakened 3. become awake 4. come to oneself [one's senses] 5. wake up 目が覚める 2 【自動】 1. awake 2. wake 目が覚める 3 1. be awakened by 2. be roused by〔~で〕 目が覚める 4 realiタイヤのキーキーという音で目が覚めた: I was awoken by the screech of tires. 私たちは、真夜中にとどろく雷の音で目が覚めた: The rolling thunder woke us up at midnight. 「火事だ」という叫び声で目が覚める: be awakened by shouts of "Fire!" 「火事だ」という大声で目が覚める: be awakened by shouts of "Fire!"