- 1. peculiar talent
2. unique ability
- her special talents include the misfortune of the man of the house .
彼女は特異な才能を使い 家の男を誘惑していた
特異な才能の持ち主: person of unique talent
偉大な才能: great gift
特別な才能: 1. exceptional ability 2. special talent
特殊な才能: particular talent
異常な才能: uncommon talent
見事な才能: impressive ability
豊かな才能: unstinted flair
非凡な才能: 1. remarkable talent 2. towering abilities 3. unusual aptitude
特異な: 【形】 1. anomalous 2. discriminating 3. idiosyncratic 4. out-of-the-way 5. peculiar 6. singular 7. transnormal 8. unusual
不思議な才能: marvelous power
数学的な才能: mathematical ability
独創的な才能: creative brilliance
たぐいまれな才能: 1. exceptional ability 2. exceptional talent 3. hard skill
有望な才能を示す: show promising ability
非凡な才能の人: person of exceptional talent