information that could hinder a criminal investigation
犯罪捜査に差し障る恐れのある情報: information that could hinder a criminal investigation 日常生活に支障を来たす: disturb daily life 生活に支障を来たす: disrupt someone's life〔人の〕 県政に支障を来たす: disturb administrative work 維持に支障を来たす: affect the maintenance of〔~の〕 犯罪捜査に関する情報: information relating to criminal investigations 支障を来たす〔~に〕: 【他動】 disturb システム全体に支障を来たす: disrupt the entire system 正常な着床過程に支障を来たす: disturb the normal process of implantation 犯罪捜査に関する情報交換: exchanges of information on criminal investigations 公務に支障を来す: obstruct one's official duties 業務に支障を来す: affect someone's operations〔人の〕 日常業務にさえ支障を来たす: undermine the most ordinary activities 安全を脅かす恐れのある: be perceived as a threat to security 日々の活動に支障を来す: interfere with everyday activities