テロ事件がもたらす影響: repercussions from the terrorist attacks 情報化がもたらす影響: influence exerted by informatization 危機が貧困層および弱者層にもたらす影響に対処する: deal with the effects of the crisis on the poor and the vulnerable 危機が貧困層および弱者層にもたらす影響に対応する: deal with the effects of the crisis on the poor and the vulnerable …にもたらす: 【他動】 cause ビジネス環境の変化がもたらす影響: impact of changes in the business environment 左翼的な思想がもたらす影響: leftist influence 核戦争のもたらす影響に苦しむ: suffer the consequences of nuclear war 円の下落: fall in the yen 持続的成長に必要な基礎をもたらす: provide the necessary foundation for sustainable growth 現在のテロがもたらす精神的不安: psychological fear triggered by the present terror ある種の汚染がもたらす影響を増幅させる: amplify the effects of some kinds of pollution その協定のもたらす影響はいまだに不明だ: The implications of the agreement are still not known. 大勢へもたらす影響は少ないと見られている: be unlikely to have a significant impact on the national political landscape 遺伝的欠損がもたらす影響に苦しめられる: suffer the effects of a genetic defect