- have now a sound business standing
現在の業務: current operation
現在の状況: 1. current state of affairs 2. present circumstances 3. situation as it presents itself today 4. what the situation is
現在の業務体系: present operational setup
団体の現在の状況: current state of parties
現在の状況では: 1. as affairs [matters] now stand 2. as affairs [matters] stand (now) 3. as it now stands 4. as it stands (now) 5. as the case [matter, situation] now stands 6. as the case [matter, situation] stand
現在の状況を探る: explore the present situation of〔~の〕
現在の状況下で: under the current circumstances
現在の状況下では: under current conditions
現在の経済状況: 1. current economic situation 2. current situations of the economy
現在の財政状況: current state of public finance
アリストテレスの業績は、現在のエコロジー思想と同様に、当時は革命的なものだった。: The achievement of Aristotle was as revolutionary in their time as the ecological thinking is today.
体質が健全だ: have a good constitution
テレビのコマーシャルに対して懐疑的になるのは健全だ: Skepticism is healthy when one watches television commercials.
現在の使用状況では: as currently used
現在の状況から判断して: judging by present circumstances