- We radio in every hour on the hour to give our position.
無線で連絡を取る: get someone on the radio〔人と〕
無線で連絡を受ける: get the radio message
現在地を知る: determine one's position
救助チームに無線で連絡する: radio a team of rescuers
無線で連絡する: 【他動】 radio
連絡先を知らせる: indicate where someone can be reached〔人の〕
双方間の連絡をはかどらせるために: in expediting communications exchanged between us
出発の数日前に最終的な予定を知らせるために電話をします。: I will give you a call a few days before we leave to address any last minute arrangements.
…を知らせる: put someone up to〔人に〕 を知らせる make it known that〔that以下〕 ~を知らせる 1. acquaint someone with 2. advise someone of 3. get someone acquainted with 4. inform someone of 5. put someone next to 6. put some
を知らせる: make it known that〔that以下〕 …を知らせる put someone up to〔人に〕 ~を知らせる 1. acquaint someone with 2. advise someone of 3. get someone acquainted with 4. inform someone of 5. put someone next to 6. put som
~を知らせる: 1. acquaint someone with 2. advise someone of 3. get someone acquainted with 4. inform someone of 5. put someone next to 6. put someone on [onto, on to]〔人に〕 …を知らせる put someone up to〔人に〕 を知らせる ma
毎正時: on the hour every hour
~と連絡を取らせる: put someone in touch with〔人に〕
急を知らせる: 【形】 alarming
手を知らせる: declare one's hand