We never try to apply the word“fair”to our income taxes.
…に~という言葉を当てはめる: apply the word ~ to 負の所得税: negative income tax 自分の所得税率: rate of one's income tax _%の所得税が課せられる: be subject to income tax of __% 所得税: 所得税 しょとくぜい income tax 個人および法人の所得税課税制度: corporate and individual income tax systems 利息総額から_%の所得税額を差し引く: deduct a __% income tax from the total amount of interest _円の所得税脱税容疑で逮捕される: be arrested on suspicion of evading __ yen in income taxes 彼は不安という言葉を知らない。/不安という文字は彼の辞書にはない。/彼は不安のふの字も知らない: Fear [The word fear] isn't a part of his vocabulary. 所得税に関する目的で: for income-tax purposes 一般所得税: general income tax 不労所得税: windfall profits tax〈米〉 事業所得税: business tax 個人所得税: individual income tax 分類所得税: 1. classified income tax 2. scheduler income taxation