死刑判決を受ける 1: 1. be sentenced to death 2. draw a death rap 3. get [receive] the death sentence 4. receive a death sentence 5. receive the death penalty 死刑判決を受ける 2 receive sentence of death for〔~で〕 実刑判決を受ける: get a prison sentence 実質的な死刑判決を受ける: stand under virtual death sentence 死刑判決を受けるのを免れる: save someone from receiving a death sentence〔人は〕〔主語のおかげで〕 殺害した罪で死刑判決を受ける: be sentenced to death for killing〔~を〕 _年の執行猶予付き死刑判決を受ける: be sentenced to death with a __ year reprieve 本人不在のまま(人)の裁判を行う: try someone in absentia 被告人が死刑判決を受ける可能性は低い。: The defendant is less likely to be subjected to the death penalty. 懲役刑判決を受ける: be sentenced to jail terms of〔~の〕 精神異常の理由で無罪の判決を受ける: be found not guilty by reason of insanity 精神病の理由で無罪の判決を受ける: be found not guilty by reason of insanity _年から無期あるいは死刑に至るまでの実刑判決を受ける: face prison sentences ranging from __ years to life or the death penalty 判決を受ける: get a sentence 懲役_年の実刑判決を受ける: get __ years in prison _年以下の実刑判決を受ける: face a prison sentence of up to __ year