- 環境基本法に基づく環境基準の類型地域指定区域内
within types of areas specified for the environmental quality standard based on the Basic Environment Law
水生生物の保全に係る水質環境基準の類型指定: 水生生物の保全に係る水質環境基準の類型指定 designation of water area types of rivers under the Environmental Quality Standards for Water Pollution for the Preservation of Aquatic Life
環境基本法: 1. The Basic Environment Law 2. the Environment Basic Law
短期的評価に基づく二酸化硫黄に係る環境基準: 短期的評価に基づく二酸化硫黄に係る環境基準 environmental quality standard for short-term assessment of sulfur dioxide
地域環境基本計画: 地域環境基本計画 regional basic environment plan
環境基準: 環境基準 かんきょうきじゅん environmental standard
環境基準値: 環境基準値 environmental quality standard
長期的評価に基づく浮遊粒子状物質に係る環境基準: 長期的評価に基づく浮遊粒子状物質に係る環境基準 environmental quality standard for long-term assessment of suspended particulate matter
環境基本条例: environmental basic regulation
環境基本計画: 環境基本計画 Basic Environment Plan
労働環境基準: labor and environmental standards
土壌環境基準: environmental quality standards for soil
大気環境基準: air quality standards
底質環境基準: 底質環境基準 environmental quality standard for bottom sediment
水質環境基準: 1. ambient water quality criterion 2. environmental standard for water quality
環境保護指定区域: environmentally sensitive area