- pay the premiums on one's life insurance
保険料を払う: 1. pay one's insurance 2. pay premiums on insurance
生命保険料: 1. life insurance premium 2. life insurance rates 3. premium for life insurance
生命保険料金を支払う: pay the insurance premium upon one's life
生命保険料率: 1. life insurance premium rate 2. life rate
生命保険料控除: 1. deduction for life insurance premium 2. life assurance relief 3. life insurance credit 4. life insurance deduction 5. life insurance premiums deduction 6. life insurance relief
保険料を払い込む: pay the insurance (on)〔~について〕
生命保険料の所得控除: taxation allowance for life insurance premium
生命保険料の税控除: tax relief on insurance premiums
社会保険料を支払う: pay social security premiums
_%から_%の保険料を支払う: contribute __ to __% of premiums
生命保険: 生命保険 せいめいほけん life insurance
生命保険業: life insurance business
生命保険金: 1. life insurance claim 2. life insurance money 3. proceeds of life insurance
今はフリーで働いているので、自分で健康保険料を払う必要がある。: Now that I'm working on my own, I have to pay for my health insurance.
三井生命保険: 【組織】 Mitsui Mutual Life Insurance Co.