全領域の機能不全を引き起こす: cause the entire area to malfunction 広範囲の機能不全を引き起こす: cause widespread malfunction 脳の機能不全を引き起こす: cause the brain to malfunction 広範囲にわたって洪水を引き起こす: cause flooding in wide-ranging areas of〔~の〕 生涯にわたって 1: 1. for an indefinite period 2. for someone's entire life 3. over the course of one's life 生涯にわたって 2 for remainder of someone's life〔人の〕 心不全を引き起こす: cause (a) heart attack 種々の程度の~を引き起こす: cause varying degrees of 患者の生涯にわたって: during a patient's life 生涯にわたって保証する: cover someone for his entire life〔保険などが〕〔人を〕 さまざまな程度の~を引き起こす: cause varying degrees of ~間の長期にわたる争いを引き起こす: trigger a prolonged struggle between ~間の長期にわたる紛争を引き起こす: trigger a prolonged struggle between その後生涯にわたって裕福に暮らす: live in clover the rest of one's lives 生涯にわたって人々の自立を支援する: support people's self-reliance over a lifetime 生涯にわたって文化に親しむ: have a lifelong love of culture