Birth control has reduced the number of unwanted children.
産児制限: 産児制限 さんじせいげん birth control 産児制限の: 【形】 birth-control 産児制限策: birth control measures 産児制限政策: birth-control policy 部品の数を減らす: reduce the number of parts 産児制限に賛成の: 【形】 antilife 産児制限のための: 【形】 birth-control 産児制限の主唱者: birth-control advocate 産児制限の唱導者: advocate of birth control 産児制限を叫ぶ: 1. advocate birth control 2. preach birth control 産児制限を教える: teach birth control 産児制限を行う: practice birth control 不法入国者の数を減らす: decrease illegal entrants 公務員全体の数を減らす: reduce the total number of government employees 核弾頭の数を減らす: reduce number of nuclear warheads