- By consummate ability and force of character, he has acquired his present position.
申し分のない体格の: of perfect physique
申し分のない: 申し分のない もうしぶんのない no objection nothing to criticize
人格も評判も申し分のない人物: personnel of excellent character and reputation
申し分のない 1: 1. above [beyond] reproach 2. up to the hammer 3. without reproach 申し分のない 2 【形】 1. a bit of all right 2. faultless 3. finished 4. good 5. hunky-dory 6. impeccable〔「罪を犯す」という意味のラテン語 peccare に否定の接頭辞
申し分のない1日: perfect day
申し分のないこと: 1. irreproachableness 2. perfection
申し分のない人: 1. a bit of all right 2. perfect fit
申し分のない仕事: satisfactory work
申し分のない例: perfect example
申し分のない取引: satisfactory account
申し分のない品: unimpeachable quality
申し分のない履歴: impeccable record
申し分のない態度: 1. behavior above reproach 2. irreproachable manners
申し分のない成功: perfect success
申し分のない気候: excellence of climate