- operate the machine following the instructions on the screen
画面上の指示に従って~する: follow the onscreen instructions to
画面の指示に従う: follow the instructions on screen
機械を操作する: 1. operate a machine 2. run a machine
更新するという画面の指示に従う: follow the on-screen instructions to upgrade
この説明書を読めば、その機械を操作する助けになるだろう。: These instructions can help you operate the machine.
下記の指示に従って: by following the instructions below
医師の指示に従って: according to orders from a doctor
添え状の指示に従って: in accordance with the covering instructions
製造者の指示に従って: according to the manufacturer's suggestions
教祖の指示に従って行動する: act on the orders of the cult founder
アップグレードするという画面の指示に従う: follow the on-screen instructions to upgrade
指示に従って行動する: 1. act according to someone's directions 2. act according to someone's instructions〔人の〕
指示に従って 1: as instructed 指示に従って 2 1. according to someone's directions 2. in accordance with someone's instruction 3. in conformity with someone's instructions〔人の〕
ラベルの指示に従って薬を飲む: take medicine according to the label directions
医師の指示に従って薬を飲む: take the medicines just the way one's doctor tells