違うしゃべり方を身に付ける: put on a different accent 異なるしゃべり方を覚える: put on a different accent 異なる話し方を身に付ける: put on a different accent 対応の仕方を身に付ける: acquire a way of reacting 扱い方を身に付ける: learn how to handle〔~の〕 違う話し方を身に付ける: put on a different accent コツを身に付ける: learn the ropes〔 【語源】 船上でロープの使い方を学ぶ → 船上での仕事になれる〔仕事の〕〕 一芸を身に付ける: acquire skill in an art 嗜みを身に付ける: acquire accomplishments 常識を身に付ける: 1. cultivate one's horse sense 2. increase one's general knowledge 技量を身に付ける: acquire the skills of〔~の〕 教養を身に付ける: 1. acquire accomplishments 2. acquire culture 3. acquire education 4. acquire some culture 5. improve oneself 根気を身に付ける: develop some patience 目印に~を身に付ける: put ~ as a mark 知識を身に付ける: gain the knowledge of〔~の〕