- be nudged aside by new entrants from outside one's industry
新規参入者: 1. new entrant 2. newcomer
土壇場に追い込まれる: 1. be driven to bay 2. be driven to the last ditch 3. have one's back against [to] the wall
廃刊に追い込まれる: be forced to cease its publication〔雑誌などが〕
早期退職に追い込まれる: be pushed into early retirement
破産に追い込まれる: be driven into bankruptcy
窮地に追い込まれる: 1. be driven [forced, reduced] to the (last) extremity [extremities] 2. be pushed into a corner 3. get caught out
立場に追い込まれる: force into a position〔~の〕
絶望に追い込まれる: plunge into despair
自主廃業に追い込まれる: be driven to voluntarily go out of business
自己破産に追い込まれる: fall into personal bankruptcy
議員辞職に追い込まれる: be forced to resign from the Diet for〔~で〕
貧困のため~に追い込まれる: driven by poverty into
辞任に追い込まれる 1: 1. be forced from one's posts 2. be forced to quit 3. be forced to resign 辞任に追い込まれる 2 be coerced into resigning by〔~によって〕 辞任に追い込まれる 3 force someone's resignation〔主語のために人は〕
辞職に追い込まれる: resign under pressure
辞表提出に追い込まれる: be forced to tender one's resignation