- restore trust which has been damaged by the allegations
不祥事により失われた信頼を回復する: recover the public confidence lost through scandals
失われた信用を回復する: repair one's fallen reputation
信頼を回復する 1: 1. reestablish trust 2. regain credibility 3. regain the confidence 4. regain trust 信頼を回復する 2 1. regain the trust of 2. restore the faith of〔~の〕
世界的景気の悪化によって損なわれる: be hurt by the depressed global economic environment
国民の信頼を回復する: 1. recover public trust 2. regain the trust of the people 3. regain the trust of the public 4. restore one's trust among the public 5. restore public trust
消費者の信頼を回復する: 1. regain consumer trust 2. restore consumer trust
経済的信頼を回復する: restore economic confidence in〔~の〕
失われた機能を回復する: recover lost capabilities
対する国民の信頼を回復する: restore the public's confidence in〔~に〕
牛肉に対する消費者の信頼を回復する: restore consumer confidence in beef
国の国際的信頼を回復する: restore international confidence in one's country
国内産牛肉の信頼を回復する: restore trust in domestic beef
外務省の内外の信頼を回復する: restore the Foreign Ministry's credibility both at home and abroad
失墜した国民の信頼を回復する: restore public trust that has been lost
エイズによって免疫機構が損なわれた人々: people whose immune system is impaired because of AIDS