打撃をしのぐ方法を探す: seek a way to survive a blow 方法を探す: look for ways to〔~する〕 痛手をしのぐ手だてを求める: seek a way to survive a blow 競争相手をしのぐ: eclipse one's rivals 別の方法を探す: explore some of the alternatives 解決方法を探す: search for a solution 証明する方法を探す: find a way of proving〔~を〕 雑音を減らす方法を探す: look for ways to reduce noise 力をしのぐ: exceed someone's strength〔人の〕 雨をしのぐ: keep out the rain 人手を探す: find a hand 借手を探す: find a let for〔~の〕 助手を探す: look for an assistant 方法を探る: explore means of〔~の〕 不況をしのぐ: get through a recession