- public health burden of cancer
国営の健康保険: government-run health insurance
サラリーマンの健康保険の患者本人負担を_%から_%に引き上げる: increase the portion of the medical expense that wage earners pay at hospitals to __% from the current __%
政府所管の健康保険制度の下で医療費を負担する: pay for medical services under government-backed health insurance programs
社会保険負担: 1. social insurance contribution 2. social security contribution
健康保険: 健康保険 けんこうほけん health insurance
健康保険医: 健康保険医 けんこうほけんい health insurance doctor
健康保険料: 1. health insurance expense 2. health insurance premium
健康保険法: 健康保険法 けんこうほけんほう the Health Insurance Act
健康保険証: 1. health insurance ID card 2. health insurance card
厳しい財政運営の健康保険基金: cash-strapped health insurance funds
社会保険負担金: social insurance contribution
薬剤費保険負担: drug coverage
会社が負担する健康保険料: health insurance paid by employer
任意健康保険: 1. personally-acquired insurance 2. private health insurance 3. voluntary health insurance
個人健康保険: individual health insurance