発生した地震の被災者に配布される: be distributed among earthquake victims in〔~で〕 起きた地震の被災者に配られる: be distributed among earthquake victims in〔~で〕 起きた地震の被災者に配布される: be distributed among earthquake victims in〔~で〕 地震の被災者: earthquake victim 地震の被災者に救援物資を送る: send relief to the earthquake victims 地震の被災者を援護する: help victims of the earthquake 地震の被災者を支援する: help victims of the earthquake 地震の被災者を救援する: relieve earthquake victims 地震の被災地: quake-devastated region 地震の被災者たちを気の毒に思う: yearn over the victims of the earthquake 彼らは地震の被災者への援助資金に関する制限をといた: They decided to free up funds for helping earthquake victims. 地震被災者: people affected by an earthquake 地震の被害を受けた地域: area affected by an earthquake 洪水の被災者: flood victim 地震の被害: quake damage