- 1. amend the Imperial House Law to allow women to take the throne
2. amend the Imperial Household Law to provide for female heirs or siblings to succeed to the Imperial Throne
女子に皇位継承権を認めるための皇室典範の改正: revision of the Imperial House Law to allow a woman to ascend to the Imperial Throne
皇室典範の改正: revision of the Imperial House Law
王位継承権を放棄する: renounce one's claim to the throne
皇室典範: 皇室典範 こうしつてんぱん the Imperial Household Law
女性による皇位継承を認める: recognize female succession to the throne
イギリスの王位継承権を支持する: bolster someone's claim to the English crown〔人の〕
王位継承権: right to the throne
皇位継承: Imperial succession
皇位継承法: law of succession
皇位継承者: heir to the Chrysanthemum [Imperial] Throne
皇位継承の主導権を握る: have the power to determine the line of succession to the imperial throne
継承権を要求する: claim the succession
皇位継承に関する法律: law governing imperial succession
王位継承権の主張: claim to the crown of〔~の〕
王位継承権の法律: succession law