技量を測る: measure someone's ability〔人の〕 量を測る: measure the volume of〔~の〕 雨量を測る: gauge (the) rainfall 沸騰している液体: simmering liquid 運動量を測る: measure the extent of a movement 洗剤の量を測る: measure out the detergent 血液の量を測る: measure the quantity of blood 驚くほど賢い我らの祖先は、顔を洗う前にのどを潤していた。: Our fathers which were wondrous wise, did wash their throats before their eyes.〔朝から酒を飲む言い訳。〕 糸球体ろ過量を測る: measure glomerular filtration 寝ている人の心拍数や呼吸数を測る: measure the heart rate and number of breaths sleeping people take 星の距離を測るすべを知っている: have a way of figuring out how far away the stars are 星の距離を測る方法を知っている: have a way of figuring out how far away the stars are 星の距離を測る方法を身に付けている: have a way of figuring out how far away the stars are 彼は目を潤ませていた: His eyes were wet with tears. 強い目をしている: have strong eyes