- The mind eventually loses its elasticity and its receptivity.
機関の融通性: 機関の融通性 engine flexibility[機械]
生産の融通性: production flexibility
設計の融通性: design flexibility
資本の融通性: capital flexibility
職業上の融通性: occupational mobility
多用性と融通性: 多用性と融通性 versatility and flexibility[化学]
すてきな男性というのは、いつも最後には女性を手に入れるものだ: The good guy always gets the girl in the end.
個性を失う: lose one's individuality
理性を失う: 1. be all over the place〈米俗〉 2. behave irrationally 3. flip out 4. get irrational 5. lose [blow] one's cool 6. lose control (of oneself) 7. lose one's reason 8. lose the power of reason
磁性を失う: lose its magnetism
融通性: elasticity
その旅人は最後にはおしゃべりな村人たちとリズムが合ってきた: The traveler finally got into the rhythm with the chatty villagers.
最後には: 1. at end of day 2. at the end 3. at the end of the day 4. when all is said (and done)
効率と融通性を高める: offer increased efficiency and flexibility
いろんなことが重なって最後には私はその職を得た。: One thing led to another and I ended up getting the job.