the courts have said over and over again , you don't need これ以上の知的財産保護は必要ないと
国際知的財産保護協会: 【組織】 Association Internationale pour la Protection de la Propriete Industrielle / International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property〔 【略】 AIPPI◆1897年設立時の英文名称は International Asso知的財産保護を強化する: strengthen intellectual property protection 知的財産の保護: protection of intellectual property 知的財産権の適切な保護: appropriate protection of intellectual property rights 知的財産: 知的財産 知財 ちざい 知的財産権: intellectual property right〔 【略】 IPR〕 知的財産法: Intellectual Property Law 知的財産戦略: 1. intellectual property strategy 2. strategy for intellectual property 知的財産立国: 1. intellectual property power 2. nation built on intellectual property 知的財産権の保護を尊重する: respect the protection of intellectual property rights 知的財産の創造: creation of intellectual property 知的財産の活用: 1. application of intellectual property 2. exploitation of intellectual property 知的財産専門部: specialized intellectual property department 知的財産権の獲得: acquisition of intellectual property rights 知的財産権を守る: protect intellectual property rights