油汚れを落とす性質: (tough) grease cutting power 頑固な油汚れを落とす性質: (tough) grease cutting power グリム童話には心をかき乱す性質がある: The Grimm's Fairy Tales has disturbing quality. 頑固な油汚れを落とす性能: (tough) grease cutting power 性質がある: 1. be disposed to 2. be predisposed to 3. have the predisposition to〔~する〕 かび汚れを落とす: remove mildew stains 古い汚れを落とす: eliminate the old stains 汚れを落とす 1: make the stain go away 汚れを落とす 2 get the dirt out of〔~の〕 油汚れを落とす力: (tough) grease cutting power 鏡の汚れを落とす: clear the mirror 靴の汚れを落とす: give one's shoes a clean まれな性質がある: have a rare quality よごれ: よごれ 汚れ dirt filth 国際協力に暗い影を落とす含みがある: have ominous implications for international cooperation 手を洗って汚れを落とす: wash one's hands clean of dirt