- depart from the established textbook screening procedures
教科書検定: 1. authorization of school textbook 2. examination of school textbooks 3. official screening of textbooks 4. school textbook screening 5. screening [review] of (school) textbooks 6. textbook authori
教科書検定官: 1. examiner of school textbooks 2. textbook examiner
教科書検定制度: 1. system of government authorization of textbooks 2. system of screening school textbooks 3. textbook authorization system 4. textbook screening system
教科書検定委員会: 【組織】 Official Commission on Textbooks
教科書検定手続き: textbook authorization procedure
文部科学省の教科書検定に合格する: 1. clear censorship by the Education Ministry 2. get the stamp of approval from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
文部省の教科書検定: Education Ministry's screening of school textbooks
常識を逸脱する: defy common sense
権限を逸脱する: overstep one's authority
範囲を逸脱する: break bounds
責任を逸脱する: overstep one's responsibility
教科書を検定する: screen the school textbooks
基本的な流れを逸脱する: depart from the basic pattern
権限の枠を逸脱する: stray beyond the confines of one's authority
裁量権範囲を逸脱する: abuse one's discretionary power