- I am currently working as a health inspector for the City of Yarra having graduated from Melbourne University in 2002 with a degree in Occupational Health and Safety Administration.
職業安全衛生管理局: 【組織】 Occupational Safety and Health Administration〔労働省◆ 【略】 OSHA〕
職業安全衛生: occupational health and safety
安全衛生管理: 1. management for safety and health 2. management for safety and sanitation
衛生指導員: health inspector
職業安全衛生法: Occupational Safety and Health Act〔米国労働安全衛生局◆ 【略】 OSHA〕
歯の衛生指導: dental health guidance
_年に~大学で博士号の学位を取得する: finish a doctorate at ~ University in __
総括安全衛生管理者: general safety and health supervisor
環境衛生指導員: environmental sanitation inspector
工業安全衛生部: 【組織】 Industrial Safety and Health Department
リサは小さな大学で言語学者として働いている: Lisa works as a linguist at a small college.
彼女は量子物理学で学位を取得している: She has a doctorate in quantum physics.
専門学位を取得している: have a professional degree in〔~の〕
高気圧作業安全衛生規則: Ordinance on Safety and Health of Work under High Pressure
衛生管理: 衛生管理 えいせいかんり hygiene management