事故で片目を失う: lose an eye in an accident 私は事故で視力を失った[目が見えなくなった]。: I lost my sight through an accident. 私は事の真相を解明した: I found out the truth of the matter. 彼女は事故で記憶を失った: She lost her memory after the accident. 事故で失明する: 1. lose one's eyesight in an accident 2. lose one's sight in an accident 労災事故で片腕をなくす: lose an arm in an industrial accident 事故で指を失う: lose one's finger in an accident 事故で視力を失う: 1. lose one's eyesight in an accident 2. lose one's sight in an accident 私は_歳の子どもを交通事故で亡くした。: I lost my __-year-old child in a car accident. 失明して: with the loss of sight その事故で、私は一生治らない脊髄損傷を負い、肩から下がまひした。: The accident left me with permanent spinal injuries that paralyzed me from the shoulders down. 事故で損傷した脊椎: vertebra shattered as a result of the accident 車軸は事故で斜めに曲がってしまっていた: The axle had been bent askew in the accident. 彼はその事故で記憶を失ってしまった: The accident has made him lose his memory. このバンタム級チャンピオンは巧みなインファイターであったが、その理由は彼が両目を失明していたからだ: This bantamweight champion was a masterful infighter because he was legally blind in both eyes.