- I conveyed my emotion with my eyes.
自分の気持ちを伝える: tell someone how one feels / tell someone one's feelings〔人に〕
私は両親に感謝の気持ちを伝えた。: I passed along thanks to my parents.
大使は自国民の親善の気持ちを伝えた: The ambassador conveyed the goodwill of his country.
まなざし: まなざし 眼差し a look
気持ちを伝える: convey the feelings of〔~の〕
悪のまなざし: evil eye
熱いまなざし: impassioned glance
鋭いまなざし: gimlet eye
自分の感情と戦う: 1. fight one's emotions 2. struggle with one's emotions
思いや気持ちを伝える: voice one's thoughts and feelings
感謝の気持ちを伝える: convey to someone one's appreciation〔人に〕
本当の気持ちを伝える: tell someone one's true feeling〔 【用法】 通例複数形 feelings〕〔人に〕
正直な気持ちを伝える: tell someone one's true feeling〔 【用法】 通例複数形 feelings〕〔人に〕
考えや気持ちを伝える: voice one's thoughts and feelings
親身な気持ちを伝える: communicate caring