- I thought I would get cold feet before the wedding.
~におじけづく: 1. grow chicken-hearted at 2. grow unnerved over 3. lose one's nerve for 4. quail at [before]
脅しにおじけづく: be daunted by the threat of〔~の〕
脅威におじけづく: be daunted by the threat of〔~の〕
脅迫におじけづく: be daunted by the threat of〔~の〕
言葉におじけづく: feel intimidated by the words of〔~の〕
おじけづく: おじけづく [怖じ気づく] v. be scared be frightened get [have] wet feet 臆病風に吹かれる turn coward lose one's nerve 気おくれする. ▲a somewhat afraid soldier いくぶんおじけづいた兵士 / run away for fear おじけづいて逃げる.
むちの音におじけづく: get nervous for the snap of a whip
おじけづく 1: 1. become intimidated 2. cow down 3. fall into a funk 4. feel intimidated 5. feel windy 6. get [become] cold 7. get cold feet〔MI〕〔「足が冷えた」とは、誰かが何かをやることになっているが、いざというときになって後ずさりしてしまうこと。例えば、ある男性が結婚の直前になっ
おじけづく人: funk
突然おじけづく: have a sudden fright
そうだろうと思ったよ。: That's what I thought.
音楽の世界に入るのにおじけづく: be intimidated to go into music
~中におじけづく暇はほとんどない: not really have time to be scared during
結婚式の前日: the day before the wedding
土壇場でおじけづく: yield to one's fright at the last minute