I joined an organization that tries to help poor people.
彼らは貧しい人々を助けるために金銭的な援助を訴えた: They made an appeal for money to help poor people. 貧しい人々を救う: relieve the poor 自分ほど幸せではない人々を援助する: help people who aren't as fortunate as one is 組織に加わる: join an organization イラクの人々を援助する: help the people in Iraq 貧しい人々を助ける: 1. aid the poor 2. help poor people 3. help the poor 貧しい人々を虐げる: 1. grind down the poor 2. oppress the poor 犯罪組織に加わる: join a criminal gang 組織ぐるみで~しようとする: try systematically to 援助するに値する貧しい人々: deserving poor people 貧しい人々: 1. impoverished people 2. needy folk 損害を与えようとする組織的活動: concerted campaign to damage〔~に〕 創立を援助した組織: organization which someone helped found〔人が〕 設立を援助した組織: organization which someone helped found〔人が〕 仲間に加わろうとする: run after〔~の〕