渦巻き風呂: whirlpool bath 筋肉の疲れを取る: take tiredness from the muscle 旅の疲れを癒す: 1. banish the fatigue of travel 2. relieve the weariness of the journey 働きづめの一日の後で疲れを癒やす: heal one's tiredness from a hard day of work 多忙な一日の後で疲れを癒やす: heal one's tiredness from a hard day of work 多忙な一日の終わりに疲れを癒やす: heal one's tiredness from a hard day of work 働きづめの一日の終わりに疲れを癒やす: heal one's tiredness from a hard day of work 小さい渦巻き: eddy 渇を癒やす: 渇を癒やす かつをいやす to quench one's thirst 心身を癒やす: heal the body and spirit 痛みを癒やす: comfort the pain of〔~の〕 苦痛を癒やす: comfort the pain of〔~の〕 心の疲れを癒すために散歩に出掛ける: go out for a walk to soothe one's mental fatigue (主語)は忙しい一日の後の疲れた筋肉を癒す: soothe someone's tired muscles after a hard day 心の傷を癒やす: heal the wound of someone's mind〔人の〕