簡潔明快な指示を与える: provide brief and specific instructions
手短な指示を与える〔~に〕: 【他動】 brief
簡潔かつ明確な指示を与える: provide brief and specific instructions
明確な指示を与える: provide the specific guidance to〔~に〕
特別な指示を与える 1: provide the specific guidance to〔~に〕 特別な指示を与える 2 give someone specific instructions〔人に〕
適切な指示を与える: provide appropriate direction
指示を与える: provide direction for〔~のために〕
何をすべきか具体的な指示を与える: give someone a specific instruction of what someone should do〔人が〕
手短で的確な指示を与える: give someone clipped and precise instructions〔人に〕
繰り返し(人)に不適当な指示を与える: repeatedly give someone improper directions
非常に正確な指示を与える: provide a remarkably accurate indication of〔~の〕
助手に指示を与える: give instructions to the assistants
簡潔明快な指示を出す: provide brief and specific instructions
暗示を与える: 1. convey a hint 2. give the office
~に…を与える: 1. assign ~ with 2. feed ~ on [with] 3. furnish ~ with