- total amount of duties and taxes
回付すべき: 【形】 returnable
水増しされた金額の合計: total amount of expenses that were padded
公判に付すべき: 【形】 triable
税額の控除: credit
税額の算出: computation of tax amount
課税額の凸凹: inequalities in tax assessments
課税額の査定: assessment of tax
商標を付すべき物品の分類: classification of goods to which trademarks apply
単語の合計数: word count
あるべき税制の構築: creation of an appropriate tax system
あるべき税制を検討する: discuss an appropriate tax system
あるべき税制を構築する: 1. build the ideal tax system 2. create desirable tax structure
予定納税額の督促: claim of prepayment of income tax
予定納税額の通知: notification of estimated tax prepayment
所得税額の控除: 1. credit for income tax 2. withholding tax credit