- pack the goods with the greatest care
細心の注意をもって: 1. with fastidious care 2. with meticulous care 3. with the greatest (possible) care
細心の注意力をもって: with utmost care
細心の注意を払って 1: 1. with close attention 2. with extreme caution 3. with minute attention 4. with open-eyed attention 5. with religious care 6. with the most careful attention 7. with the utmost care and attention 8
細心の注意を払って~を擦る: scrub ~ delicately
細心の注意を要する 1: require the best of care 細心の注意を要する 2 【形】 delicate
すべての私物を荷造りする: pack up all of one's personal belongings
荷物全部を荷造りする: pack all of someone's stuff〔人の〕
細心の注意: 1. chariness 2. due attention 3. full attention 4. meticulous care 5. religious attention to detail 6. utmost attention
当たって細心の注意を払う: pay close attention to〔~に〕
細心の注意を払って拳銃を使う: use a handgun with utmost caution
細心の注意を払って観察をやり直す: rework the observation with great precision
細心の注意を払って計算をやり直す: rework the calculation with great precision
詳細な点にも細心の注意を払って: be careful to the smallest detail
外見に細心の注意を払う: pay particularly attention to one's physical appearance
細心の注意を払う 1: 1. be meticulously careful 2. pay close attention 3. pay the closest attention 4. tread on [upon] eggs 5. walk on eggshells [eggs] 6. watch one's step with extreme caution 細心の注意を払う 2 take particula