will you get it with life insurance ? 一緒に終身保険は いかがですか?
団体終身保険: 1. group permanent insurance 2. group permanent life insurance 尋常終身保険: ordinary policy 終身保険契約: perpetual insurance policy 定期付き終身保険: 1. whole life insurance with term insurance 2. whole life insurance with term rider 逓減定期付き終身保険: whole life insurance with decreasing term insurance 金利感応型終身保険: interest sensitive whole life 終身健康保険: permanent health insurance 終身年金保険: 1. life annuity insurance 2. life income policy 終身生命保険: 1. permanent life insurance 2. straight life insurance 3. straight life policy 4. whole life insurance 終身: 終身 しゅうしん the whole life 人身保護: 人身保護 じんしんほご habeas corpus 人身保護法: 人身保護法 じんしんほごほう (Japan's) Protection of Personal Liberty Law (1948) 全身保護衣: full protective suit 半身保護服: 半身保護服 (protective) blouse[医生]〈97確T8001:呼吸用保護具用語〉 終身の: 終身の adj. *permanent /p??rm?n?nt/ *perpetual [通例限定]. (見出しへ戻る headword ? 終身)