- Union workers picketed the factory to demand the pay raise.
賃上げを要求して: in demand for increased salaries
工場にピケを張る: picket a factory
ストの参加者たちは、工場の前にピケを張った: Strikers formed a picket line in front of the factory.
賃上げを要求してデモを行う: hold a demonstration for the rise of one's salaries
_%の賃上げを要求してストライキに入る: go on strike for a __% raise
~にピケを張る: 【他動】 picket
賃上げを要求する: 1. demand a raise in wages 2. demand a rise in wages 3. demand higher wages
組合労働者: 1. organized labor 2. union labor 3. union worker
労働組合は賃上げのことでいきり立った: The labor union were up in arms about wage increases.
非組合労働者: 1. nonunion worker 2. nonunionized worker
_%の賃上げを要求する: 1. demand a __% raise 2. request a __% pay raise
労働者の賃上げ要求騒ぎ: labor's clamor for higher wages
組合労働者の数: organized labor roll〔organized labor は「組合労働者」。roll は「登録簿」、「名簿」〕
彼は給料の値上げを要求したが、実現しなかった: He asked for a raise in pay, but it was not forthcoming.
ピケを張る: 1. form a picket line 2. put pickets 3. set up a picket 4. walk the picket line